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Film Education &Workforce Development

Rakeda's experiences in the entertainment industry

and education have positioned her to support the community as a program creator and director.

Rakeda serves as The Director of Community Education at the Austin Film Society.  She leads AFS' training and education programs, including Creative Careers, a workforce development program for emerging creatives and those who are underrepresented in the film and creative media industry. 


Rakeda saw an opportunity to cultivate engagement and curiosity in learning through movies.  She teamed up with a former UCLA classmate to create Get the Big Picture.  GTBP provides movie enriched curriculum for grades 6-12, and lessons for all subjects to help educators teach with movies.


Village U Academy is a mentoring and intervention program created to help high schoolers develop the confidence and tools needed to succeed in life.  

As part of our vision of providing support for the most vulnerable youth, we saw a need to ensure that Austin area youth would be able to succeed post-high school. We focus on supporting the health, well-being, and success of our youth by bringing the community together.

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